Wallowa Lake, Oregon
Mom and Dad Olson took an early fall vacation to Wallowa Lake in Northeast Oregon. It is about 4 hours from Boise and the trip was well worth the drive--we had no idea this place would be so beautiful. The locals call it "America's Switzerland", and they could be right...
Mom and Dad Olson took an early fall vacation to Wallowa Lake in Northeast Oregon. It is about 4 hours from Boise and the trip was well worth the drive--we had no idea this place would be so beautiful. The locals call it "America's Switzerland", and they could be right...
We spent a good part of Saturday Hiking in the mountains. We were fortunate to meet a Sasquatch on the trail who offered to take our picture. This is before we were exhausted by the climb and the altitude, combined with our physical condition.
Mom built us a bridge to cross the raging Wallowa river before we headed up the slopes. The day was perfect--sunny but cool, not too many people on the trail (and only one Sasquatch), and we managed early on to get off the horse trail and onto a foot trail where the footing was a bit less, uh, fragrant. Mom apologized for not putting a cover over the bridge like they do in Iowa, but we were, after all, not in Iowa, duh.
Along the way, we got some nice views of the valley and the lake,
and we made some new friends.
We saw this lovely waterfall. We hiked half way up stinkin' Mt. Everest to see this wonder of nature, and the trail took us to the top of the thing, so we really could not see much. Mom wouldn't let me get any closer to the edge than this-- I think it was because she was sure I'd jump off just so I wouldn't have to walk all the way back down the mountain. We never did find a way to see the waterfall from below, so, this is all you get:
On the way back down, we met Sasquatch again, and he let us take his picture this time. He's in this somewhere. You can find him if you look close enough.
After the hike, we visited the burial site of Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe. No, this is not garbage scattered all over the memorial. They are gifts and offerings, and yes, those are real cigars and a real Beanie Baby Salamander--go figure.
We didn't do much else except sit in a hot tub and listen to the BYU-FSU game, which was neither pleasant nor noteworthy. Oops, forgot to mention the fresh German donuts we got near our lodge--the best ever!
Sorry the pictures look blurry--they're not really that bad--I just messed them up while I was moving and resizing them for the blog. I'll improve with practice.