Thursday, December 30, 2010

12 - 25 - 2010

Christmas in Afton
For starters, it was very, very cold. Much of the time, the temperature was below zero. Grandma Olson loved it!
We were greeted by Santa's Little Reindeer...

...who, of course, wanted at all times to have her nose in a book. Grandpa read and sang to her I'll Love You Forever--over and over and over again. Something about that story made her very somber.

Her sobriety disappeared, though, when it came time to attack the presents. Hallie quickly added an new word to her rapidly-expanding vocabulary: "OPEN!"
She's a true Olson/Hansen or Hansen/Olson. She loves books. That is her new kitchen in the background, the assembly of which took Clay, ailing from the flu, a full day to complete.
He was sooo happy...

Books are great, of course, but sugar-coated breakfast bombs run a close second...

Mother and Daughter appeared pleased that Santa left behind some of his chocolate-chip cookie dough.

Grandma is noticeably absent from any of these pictures. Her hands made it, though. Here she teaches Hallie the intricacies of the "Sing-A-Ma-Jig" from Aunt Kirsten. Hallie learned quickly to sing along.

Clay was thrilled with the fly-fishng gear bag that Jodie gave him. He gave her a sewing machine.

Hallie, in her Christmas dress, pilots her new push-toys around the house (and around and around and around...)

And finally, a moment of genuine cuteness from the star of the Christmas morning show

Monday, December 13, 2010


12 . 13 . 2010
Family Night tonight brought Dustin, Nichelle and the kids for an evening of serious construction work. This was the most fun we've had in a long time, trying to keep up with Tyler and Tanner. This was Tanner's completed masterpiece.
Tyler was really tired after a day of school followed by a good workout at dance class, but she still managed to produce a lovely little starter home...

Grandma helps Tanner construct 'Santa's Sleigh'. He was excited beyond the limits of our endurance!

The Olson family strikes a pose with their handiwork.

Tyler and Tanner with their assistant contractors.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never let it be said that Boise is always the "Sun Belt of Idaho". The weather forecasters were only nine days off in predicting the 'storm of the decade'. It didn't arrive last week, but it sneakily dropped in on us last night. Dobbie was a bit stumped when it came to finding a place to do his business.

Nope, we're not like Afton, Wyoming yet, but nearly 7 inches in one night is close to a record, and it is still coming down.