Finally! Something to brighten the summertime! The Eagle Fun Days Parade was presented this morning, and we've captured the highlights so those of you who have never lived in Eagle, Idaho, or Afton, Wyoming can have a taste of what summer is all about.
The parade began as every parade should, with a flag ceremony. Then things started to roll downhill...
Notice the Portable Theme Park in the background. From where we sat, we could see all five rides!!!
What's up with that?
This was a group sponsored by a local youth academy that tries to teach disoriented children how to walk. They're still working on it...
This was the only thing even remotely resembling a float in the parade. I'm still trying to think of a connection between this Aardvarkephant and Eagle, Idaho, but I'm at a loss..
By the way, there were no (zero, zilch,zip nada) eagles in the Eagle Fun Days Parade--what's up with that? (Duh, grandpa, maybe they were off somewhere having FUN!)
There were no trombones or copper-bottomed tympani to be seen (or heard) anywhere. (Clay, maybe Jodie can explain that one to you.)
The pizza-delivery truck ignored my entreaties and drove right by me.
This team of daring young girls was apparently attempting to keep this large log from rolling off the truck and crushing spectators...
...while their friends stood around doing nothing, dressed in clothing made from the skins of the rare Green Bengal Tiger.
A team of Miniature Cheerleaders.
Maybe "twinettes"?
This parade in rural Idaho managed to produce only one horse and one rider. What is the world coming to?
Wait! Hold everything! I found a job, right in the middle of our parade!
Of course Mom loved this entry.
Is this heaven?
This is what got Grandpa to his first parade in about 34 years. That's Tyler on the left, sporting her new haircut, gracing the Wells Fargo entry in this year's festivities.
And look! There's Nichelle, throwing stuff at the spectators.
One more peek at the Wells Fargo rig. That's Tanner on the left, waving, and Tyler on the right.
I've been missing so much over the years--like watching the once-meaningful world of the small-town parade spiral downward into a contest of who has the biggest _______ (Fill in the blank with boat, motorhome, pickup truck, horse trailer, fire engine, ambulance, dance school, etc.)
I needed a good laugh today. Thanks, Dad! Reminds me a lot of the parades in Star Valley. Hey, at least with no horses in this one you don't have to watch them poop in front of you and then smell it throughout the rest of the parade. Right?